Twice a year School of the Osage sets up Community Night. In the fall it takes place before a football game and in the winter before a basketball game. Local organizations in the Lake Area Chamber of Commerce have the opportunity to reach out at these games by hosting a table, giving out treats, or promoting their service. This past Friday the winter edition took place before the boys' basketball game versus Mexico. From churches to cabinet companies to colleges, the night always brings a diverse mix of businesses that have the opportunity to connect with our SOTO community.
Events like these are a trademark of our school culture. Living at the Lake one can often feel lost in the sea of tourists, but the reality is that the very thing that drives visitors here is our deep-seated community. Family-owned businesses offer all the amenities of a big city wrapped up in the bow of a small town. Community Night is a sample of this dichotomy that takes place in the heart of our high school. To see my pastor, manager, and mentors walking the same halls I do grounds this reality and affirms the heart of it all.
Thank you to all the participating organizations! Thank you to the community for supporting our school!
-Gratian Adams
School of the Osage Senior