The School of the Osage team won BEST Of SHOW in the Pedal Car Challenge at the Magic
Dragon Car Show on May 5th. The car was designed and built by Randall Satterlee’s
Engineering Design class.
The car sold at auction Saturday, May 6th, for $2200.00. The proceeds from all the auctioned
cars (31) go to scholarships for students going into trade and tech programs.
It was a true team effort as other departments from School of the Osage played a hand in the
win. The marketing classes created presentation boards and flyers, Tech tribe composed and
filmed the sales video, art classes made a graffiti board, and numerous teachers and
administrative assistants helped with class supervision and ordering items.
This is a great example of hands-on learning at work while participating in an event that is a
staple of the community calendar.

School of the Osage Wins Best in Show
June 8, 2023